The Power of Radical Hospitality, One Burrito at a Time

We recently received the following note from Leslie Routson at Hope Ministries:

Hi Joe! I am a new fan of Urban Bicycle Food Ministry because of this awesome story:

I work for Hope Ministries. At lunch at our Door of Faith men’s life recovery housing facility a week or so ago, I was talking with a self-described “street kid” named Aaron who is clean and sober for the first time in his life. He said he lived through this entire harsh winter in a tent near the river. There were many nights that he assumed he wouldn’t wake up in the morning. One especially cold night, your group came to him on bicycles and gave him 2 burritos and a blanket. He said he is positive that that blanket and the hope your team gave him got him through the night and completely changed his outlook on street life. Shortly after, he was robbed of his tent and walked directly to Bethel Mission for a bed. After a couple of weeks he decided it wasn’t worth living like he had been and joined our year-long life recovery program. He is currently in month 2 at Door of Faith, encouraged and sober and working the program. He’s an awesome and inspirational guy and I am overwhelmingly grateful you helped him live. What a blessing your group is to our neighbors in need. Grateful to work alongside you to care for God’s children.